SIAA - Sudan Islamic Aid Association
SIAA stands for Sudan Islamic Aid Association
Here you will find, what does SIAA stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sudan Islamic Aid Association? Sudan Islamic Aid Association can be abbreviated as SIAA What does SIAA stand for? SIAA stands for Sudan Islamic Aid Association. What does Sudan Islamic Aid Association mean?Sudan Islamic Aid Association is an expansion of SIAA
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Alternative definitions of SIAA
- Schweizerisches Institut für Allergie- und Asthmaforschung
- Southwest Insurance Agents Alliance
- Success and Increasing Adoptions Act
- Societas Iuridica Antiliana et Arubana
View 5 other definitions of SIAA on the main acronym page
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- SE&ECO Sustainable Economic & Environmental Conservation Organization
- SMART Initiative Sustainable Mobilization of Agricultural Resource Technologies
- SRCDO Sustainable Rural Community Development Organisation
- SWADES Sustainable Water Development Services